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These agents are signatories to the AFM's
Booking Agent Agreement [45
KB] which sets standards for legally enforceable contracts specifying
negotiated fees,
working conditions, and commissions. They act as the "sales force" for
AFM members in the US and Canada. Purchasers are provided with legitimate
agreements, members
are provided with protection of their earnings, and the Agents earn commissions
for their sales.
These agreements are comprehensive contracts which stand
up in court, if need be, and obligate the parties: the purchaser is
obligated to pay the stipulated price, and the musician(s) are obligated
to perform
the services described in the agreement.
Contact the EMA for a current list of Booking Agents. |
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EMA members only:
- Membership/Instrument Directory
- Live Performance Contract
- EMA Tariff of Fees
- Recording Fees Summary
- Apollo Newsletter